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Saturday, December 10, 2016

Week 48, starting out late

Factors working against me: It was already pretty late in the week when I decided to do this.
Factors working for me: I had to make an ornament for a steampunk ornament exchange on Sunday anyway, so I figured I'd just make two.

Bonus: The small ornament is also one to sell. I'm thinking of adding some beads to it, so it's not done, but I don't want to work on it any more right now since I have a million things to get done before Christmas.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

I've decided to revive this blog

I figure if I make a thing to sell every week, in about a year I'll have enough to do some vending.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 30, "teacup"

We had a teacup contest at the Sacramento Steampunk Society's picnic, which I wanted to enter.  I found an old plastic mug in my room which was made for paper inserts which were kind of like mini coloring book pages.  So I cut a piece of paper to the right size and started designing an appropriate scene.  Since the theme of the picnic was Lovecraftian I included some tentacles, but on a cute octopus and some kind of squid having an underwater tea party.  I gave them both steamy accessories, and their tea is actually time, which is of course poured from a bottle.  They also have a plate of the undersea equivalent of teacakes or finger sandwiches, urchins and starfish.  The squid is gesturing emphatically with a spoon which is unfortunately invisible behind the rim of the mug, while the octopus giggles.  I think they might be courting.  Most of the color was done with Sharpies, although I did use gel pens here and there.  It did take me more like two weeks, though, so this is a FAILURE.
I drew his moustache and monocle before I looked at actual reference photos of squid and realized that their eyes are much further down than that.  But I liked the way it looked, so I kept it anyway.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 29

This is just here for the sake of the tags.  I'm pretty sure this week was a TOTAL FAILURE.

Week 28, vacuum-formed keys and gears

I don't remember if painting them was supposed to be part of the Thing too, but it seems like it should have been.  Therefore, for your viewing pleasure:
However, these were not photographed until the next Thursday, which makes this a FAILURE. . . I think?

Week 27, dressed to the elevens

Factors working against me:  It had to be done (and dry!) in time to wear to the Sac Steam Ball on Thursday.  I had to purchase new nail polish with which to paint the gears because I couldn't find my big bag of them (still can't).
Factors working for me: I probably ended up with a better color-match this way.
At this point I would like to take the opportunity to tell you what exactly I am talking about.  As I was trying to decide what to wear to the Sac Steam Ball, it occurred to me that I had a pair of opera-length gloves that I really never wear because they're too flashy for everyday wear, even for me.  So I planned my outfit around them.  As it happens, my brother had recently given me a hat he didn't want anymore which had a purple band that went with other things I was wearing.  I had intended to sew in a lining to make it a ladies' hat anyway, and I had some of the same fabric I used for the gloves left.  Then I painted one of the vacuum-formed gears I was working with to match and added some feathers (I bought a mixed bag at the craft store, which turned out to have more colors than I had expected).
Bonus: I also made a matching pin to wear at my throat.

Week 26, hair cuff