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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 15 onscreen!

Factors working against me: Sunday, as I mentioned before, was the Thrift Shopping Expedition, so I wasn't able to get much work done that day.  I went to my mom's house afterward because she was about to leave town for two weeks and wanted to see me beforehand.  Thursday was our trip to the Crocker, so Wednesday night I had to get back in town so I'd have time to prepare.
Factors working for me: I found some beads at Michaels (where we met up for the Expedition) that were perfect for the jewelry I wanted to make for one of my outfits for the Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition.
Results: Normally my rule is if I wouldn't put the tag "steampunk" on an item when listing it on etsy, it isn't steampunk enough to count as my Steampunk Thing of the Week.  However, these were made specifically for a steampunk convention, so I'm making an exception.
I was going for the look of old, cracked chandelier crystals.  I'm not entirely sure they aren't too heavy for me, though.

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