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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 23; an April Fool, me

I made myself a cunning disguise!
First I sculpted it from air-drying clay:
Then I vacuum-molded plastic over it:

Then I cut it out:
And for the final step I painted it with acrylic paints.
Then I took it to the Sacramento Steampunk Society meeting and took pictures of all the attendees (and the owner of the Karma Cafe) wearing it.
Speaking of which, since neither my father nor Admiral Macabre were in attendance this week it fell to me to make our April Fool's Day meeting interesting.  So I replaced our regular "Steampunk Meetup" sign with this one:
I also had everyone fill out Steampunk "Census Forms" in lieu of a sign-in sheet.  I think they found it amusing rather than tedious, so, mission accomplished!  Also I printed out ten forms and we had exactly ten people at the meeting, so hurrah for my estimating skillz!

Week 22 quick post

I was going to make a corset belt, but got lazy.  So I got out my button maker instead to make button earrings with the Sacramento Steampunk Society logo.  Still not done, so no pictures.

Week 20 quick post

This week ended with the Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition, so what with scurrying to get ready for that I didn't have much time for doing a Thing of the Week.  I ended up making it at the convention.  My brother wore a moose hat to the convention, so I made a little bowler hat for the moose to wear.  It was made of air-drying clay, with a pin on the bottom to attach it to the plush moose head.  However, the clay didn't dry quickly enough so the pin broke off when he tried to pin it on.  I also have no photos and am unlikely to get any, as my brother took it home with him.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Week 18 quick post

Results:  It was meant to be a cloche, but for some reason several people said "pith helmet".

Week 19, for the silver screen

I've been putting off posting for so long it's getting ridiculous.  So I'm just going to post what I've got as fast as possible.
Results: On Wednesday night I was thinking about what to wear for the next day's Steampunk invasion of an Alice in Wonderland screening.  It occurred to me it might be appropriate to make some concession to the titular heroine's iconic hairstyle (which I haven't actually seen on her in any of the production stills. . . but that's neither here nor there).  So here is my version of "Alice Bands".  I deliberately made little attempt at neatness for a bit of a mad look.

Bonus:  I used what was left over of the single scrap of faux leather I had to make a matching wristband.