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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Week 3. . . finally.

I finished last week's Thing only 142 HOURS into overtime! Yay! That punishment is gonna be a doozy (whatever that is). Anyway, here is a photo:
It didn't come out as cool as I'd hoped, but I am SO DONE messing with it.  So yeah, it'll probably go up for sale on etsy eventually, but right now I have to scramble in order to get this week's Thing done in time and get ready for my mom's birthday tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 3, woe is me

Factors working against me: 1. My own apathy.  I kept putting it off.  2. I was unexpectedly dragged along to a play Saturday night.  3.  When it came to a choice between working on my Steampunk Thing or sleeping, I chose to sleep.
Factors working for me: My parents finally decided to turn on the heat, so at least I didn't freeze this week.
Results: FAILURE.  As of Saturday midnight, this week's Thing of the Week was unfinished.

I think I ought to institute a punishment for every hour past the deadline (something that doesn't take too much time away from the next week's Thing).  Any suggestions?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 2 through!

Factors working against me: 1. I wanted to go to the Halloween store for supplies but never got the chance.  2. It's even colder now, so despite my switch to winter pajamas I still have a tendency to try to hibernate.  3. We went to visit relatives in the middle of the week, so I had two less days than expected.
Factors working for me:  1.  Once I did manage to drag myself out of bed, the climate drove me upstairs, where it was warmer, and where my workspace was.  2.  Our internet went down, which was an annoyance, but also reduced the number of distractions quite a bit. 3. The serendipitous discovery that my cameo buttons can come apart.
Results:  I finished with time to spare on Saturday - could have finished Friday if I wasn't so lazy.  I made a pin shaped like a lady with a cameo for a head and a mini Gatling weapon on the end of her arm.  Photos will come, but not for a week or two.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week 1 done!

Factors working against me: 1.We didn't get home from Steam-Con until 1am Tuesday morning.  2.  It's Halloween week, which means I had to make a costume too!  3. I had trouble forcing myself to get out of bed because it was freezing cold in my room.  Of course, once I did, the sunlight streaming into every other room in the house was much warmer than my THREE BLANKETS + FLANNEL SHEETS.  WTP.
Factors working for me: I had bought the materials for a LOTR elf costume a while back, but before I started working on it, my dad asked me to dress steampunk instead in an attempt to recruit members for a local Steampunk Society. So I threw this together:
I used a plastic shopping bag full of stuffing for the bustle.
Results: I finished my Thing of the Week about 11pm on Saturday.  I made a pair of gogglies similar to the ones I made for myself last week.

For comparison purposes: the top pair is mine, and the bottom pair is my Steampunk Thing of the Week (which is for sale at the Steamtopia Etsy Shop).
Also: This didn't get done in time to count as a Bonus Steampunk Thing of the Week, but about 15 minutes after midnight I finished this:

A while ago I got sick of having so many white socks and decided to do something about it. So I'm hand-painting them all with different patterns. This way I don't even have to worry about finding a matching pair!