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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Week 3. . . finally.

I finished last week's Thing only 142 HOURS into overtime! Yay! That punishment is gonna be a doozy (whatever that is). Anyway, here is a photo:
It didn't come out as cool as I'd hoped, but I am SO DONE messing with it.  So yeah, it'll probably go up for sale on etsy eventually, but right now I have to scramble in order to get this week's Thing done in time and get ready for my mom's birthday tomorrow.


  1. Are those watch gears in her hair? That's awesome! I like the late Victorian Orientialist/leather badassness of this. Very steampunk indeed.


    That's an emoticon looking approvingly through a monocle, btw.

  2. Yes they are, and they were a pain to attach, too, because I painted her hair with nail polish and then tried to glue things to it with superglue, and it just kept dissolving. Lesson learned.
