Factors working for me: I had bought the materials for a LOTR elf costume a while back, but before I started working on it, my dad asked me to dress steampunk instead in an attempt to recruit members for a local Steampunk Society. So I threw this together:
I used a plastic shopping bag full of stuffing for the bustle.
Results: I finished my Thing of the Week about 11pm on Saturday. I made a pair of gogglies similar to the ones I made for myself last week.For comparison purposes: the top pair is mine, and the bottom pair is my Steampunk Thing of the Week (which is for sale at the Steamtopia Etsy Shop).
Also: This didn't get done in time to count as a Bonus Steampunk Thing of the Week, but about 15 minutes after midnight I finished this:
Best. Socks. EVER!!!!! O_O