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Friday, December 11, 2009

Week 7 got turned up to eleven

Factors working against me: I wanted to take it to the Sacramento Steampunk Society Meetup on Wednesday, which meant I only had half a week.
Factors working for me:  I was pretty motivated to make the meetup cool since it was the first one and we wanted people to keep coming.
Results:  I made a letterhead for note-taking.  My dad saw it and asked me to do something similar to his sign-in chart, so I did that too.  I had everything printed up by 3:30 Wednesday morning, which makes this the earliest completion yet by far.
Bonus:  The Thing was actually just the note paper, so bonus #1 is the Guestbook pages.  Bonus #2 is something that occurred to me later in the day Wednesday after I woke up: a table sign to let people know where the Steampunks were, in case they couldn't tell by looking for people in costume.  Here's a photo of everything:
We ended up putting the sign in a fancy picture frame (which I had to glue because the back was falling off):
I'm also making some Christmas presents, so I haven't had time to finish the Things from weeks 5 and 6, which are racking up some SERIOUS overtime.

Week 6, cake mix

Factors working against me: I lost track of the days, not realizing how late in the week it was getting until Thursday (which I thought was Friday), then slept through most of the following day.
Factors working for me: Friday night, when I realized I still had a day to work and might actually be able to finish, I no longer felt it wouldn't make much difference if I put it off and got to work.  Thank goodness, because I would have had to implement a truly horrific punishment if I didn't START my Thing of the Week until the next week (hopefully I'll never actually be lazy enough to do that).
Results: FAILURE.  But I made a good start.  I'm still going to have to step it up if I don't want to be a month behind after the holidays.  This is a design I came up with a while ago for a wood bangle bracelet.  However, not having a key to the woodshop, or any wood of my own to work with, I'm making it out of a margarine tub.  This is what it looks like so far:

  (In case you were wondering, the cake is a lie.  I only put that as the title because it was suggested by RhymeZone.)

Week 5, I'm still alive!

No, I haven't forgotten about Steampunk Thing of the Week, I've just been putting off posting.

Factors working against me: It's Thanksgiving week, so my brothers (and my brother's girlfriend) came home from college Wednesday and I spent most of the week hanging out with them.  The first half of the week my mom kept me busy cleaning house in preparation.
Factors working for me:  I had loads of new craft supplies to work with, and I found an inspiring photo early on that was perfect for some of them.  Which means I didn't have to spend much time figuring out what to do.
Results: FAILURE.  It's actually almost finished, it just needs some tweaking to make it hang right.  Here's my inspiration, found in an Avon catalogue:
And here's the one I made:

Week 4 - is there more?

Factors working against me: I had to finish last week's Thing before working on this week's.  Since that took almost six days (okay, I wasn't working on it that whole time.  I went on a shopping spree on Sunday and then I had a kajillion new craft supplies to organize), I basically only had Friday night and Saturday.  And Saturday was my mom's birthday.
Factors working for me: I'd been craving snickerdoodles every night but decided if I was going to make them, I should make them Friday night so my mom would have birthday cookies.  And half the fun of making snickerdoodles is doing fun shapes (the other half is snitching the raw dough, which is not recommended because it contains eggs, but it tastes so good it's impossible to resist).

One gear-shaped cookie.  (I did try to make another one, but it didn't work.)  Admittedly it's a bit of a cop-out, but at least I finished on time.  Also, it was delicious.  Here's the entire batch:
Here's a closeup of some special birthday shapes.  There's a cake, a candle, and the number 53.
You can also see a crescent moon, a square, and an upside-down heart.