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Friday, December 11, 2009

Week 5, I'm still alive!

No, I haven't forgotten about Steampunk Thing of the Week, I've just been putting off posting.

Factors working against me: It's Thanksgiving week, so my brothers (and my brother's girlfriend) came home from college Wednesday and I spent most of the week hanging out with them.  The first half of the week my mom kept me busy cleaning house in preparation.
Factors working for me:  I had loads of new craft supplies to work with, and I found an inspiring photo early on that was perfect for some of them.  Which means I didn't have to spend much time figuring out what to do.
Results: FAILURE.  It's actually almost finished, it just needs some tweaking to make it hang right.  Here's my inspiration, found in an Avon catalogue:
And here's the one I made:


  1. Actually, I'm not sure if this one should be classified a failure or not. It was completely assembled within the week. Only when I tried it on for photos did I realize it didn't hang right and would need to be adjusted. But that only consists of removing a few links here and there. It should still look basically the same when laid out. Basically I'm looking for an excuse here to get out of some of this hypothetical punishment that's piling up. Nevertheless, this may be a legitimate excuse. Anybody got an opinion on the subject?

  2. I opine that that was pretty complete.

  3. Okay, new question. Should I update the tags to read SUCCESS, or should I leave it as is?
