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Friday, January 29, 2010

And now, an unscheduled announcement

I have decided that for each goal I accomplish I get to buy myself a present. Maybe the punishment for FAILURE should be that for each hour of overtime I take a dollar out of my present-buying budget? But that could get difficult to calculate if things are still unfinished. I probably shouldn't get to buy any presents until everything is caught up.  And I'm not sure how big to make the budget in the first place.
Anyway, I checked my credit card history for the past three months to see what I have already bought myself, and it turns out that both my memory and my self-control are better than I thought. I didn't need to look to know that all I got was Bizenghast volumes 5 and 6, Fruits Basket volumes 22 and 23, and Her Majesty's Dog volume 11. I'm not sure if that counts as one present or five, though, because I bought them all together.
So now let's do some math. If I give myself $50 toward presents for each success. . . since I've had five SUCCESSes that's $250. The only project that went into overtime that has been completed is week 3, which racked up 142 hours. If I figure I'm 11 hours into today, last week's is at 131, week 9 has 803, week 8 has 971, week 6 has 1307, and week 5 has 1475 hours.  And counting. Which puts me at -$4,579. Clearly I need to rethink something here. Either the dollar amounts I'm inputting or the amount of effort I'm putting in.
Okay, if each hour equals 5¢, I'd only be subtracting $241.45, and if I take $5 off for each TOTAL FAILURE, that puts me at $10.55, of which I've already spent $47.81. Hmm. At 4¢ an hour I'm only 97¢ over budget.  At 3¢ an hour, I have $47.32 left.  I'll have to recheck my math in a month or two and see if this system is going to work.


  1. Okay, I lied, I also bought two pairs of earrings.

  2. It occurs to me that I ought to get money/presents for bonus Things of the Week as well (of which there have only been two, both week 7). Also, with playing catch-up temporarily on hold while I (theoretically) work on things for the Nova Albion convention, I am naturally wanting to reduce the punishment levels. What if instead of counting by the hour I subtracted $1 for every DAY I go into overtime? That also makes the math part much easier, which judging by the numbers in the above post is probably necessary.
    This way, if I count week 5 as a success, that brings me up to 12 successes ($600). Minus $242 for the five FAILURES and $50 each for the two TOTAL FAILURES, that makes my total present-buying budget $258 as of today. Which comes out to $21.50 per present. That seems pretty reasonable. Okay, implemented!
