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Friday, January 8, 2010

Week 8, left it 'til late

Factors working against me:  In the middle of this week I had to catch a plane to the East Coast to visit my cousins in South Carolina.  So: 1. Packing for two weeks of winter outside California (luckily my mom gave me some hand-me-down Cuddl Duds to wear under my insufficiently warm warm clothing).  2. Travel time.  There is no way they'd let me pack many of my craft supplies in my carry-on, much less work with them on the plane.  3.  I was trying to get everyone's Christmas presents done ASAP, preferably in time for Christmas and without spoiling the secret.  4.  I spent most of the week hanging out with my family.  And, um, reading Twilight.  Because my mom got me started on it on the plane (it's all her fault, I swear!).
Factors working for me:  I already knew what I wanted to make.  And, um, that's about it.
Results:  FAILURE.  The Thing was begun at one minute to midnight Saturday (South Carolina time) and abandoned shortly thereafter because the felt I bought for it didn't work out.  So I have bought some polarfleece instead which looks like it will work better but I still don't have much to show.

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